Saturday, April 2, 2011

nights with alice cooper

Tossing and turning. Eyes closed. Thoughts spinning. I quietly find myself talking to my self inside my head. "Wish it was tomorrow already, so I didn't have to keep trying to sleep." "I hate that I don't sleep like a babe anymore- dumb adulthood." I look at the clock- "Well helloooo 3AM, remember me? We spent last night together as well. I hope we don't make a habit of these nocturnal rendezvous'. I could do without you... no offense."
I'm dog sitting. Staying in a strange house, in a strange bed. Both are actually quite comfy, but somehow sleep has eluded me. The pup slumbers soundly next to me. He actually snores like an old man. He turns and sighs deeply. The kind of deep sighs my mom always does and the kind of sighs that I have picked up on and do unconsciously as well. I think to myself, "What could possibly cause that dog to sigh so deeply? No job, no drama. His life is eating, playing, sleeping. No swirling thoughts." For a moment, I envy him. And then I remember he gnaws on rawhide and drools. Nope, not the life for me. I suppose it's better to be human.

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