Monday, May 19, 2008

weekend at Melly's

The Walk for Life went off without a hitch on Saturday. About 90 people attended our Anoka area Walk and many people were surprised by how much we do at First Care/ New Life. It is rather all-encompassing...that's why I believe so strongly in what we do.

Yesterday I enjoyed endless soup and salad with my friends Liz and Brian. They're moving up north for the summer to work as directors for a wilderness program. I will miss them, but I'm happy to see them figuring out the details of life together.

Then I enjoyed a splendid cup of coffee with Angela. We talked of life and love and all sorts of crazy stuff in the middle. We took a moment to dwell on the fact that having children really does change everything and even if you say (and really want to believe) you won't let it change things- it still does.

The pros and cons to being an adult are too numerous to list here, but one thing that's guaranteed is continual c h a n g e .

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