Wednesday, June 11, 2008

all things target

This Zinc lozenge I'm suckling on is nasty. It tastes like candy coated magnesium. I can feel it seeping into my body as it numbs my mouth in the process. This better make my cold better, sooner as the packaging promises, or I'm sending it right back to where it came from. Yuck.

I did a Target run yesterday to purchase some meds for my cold. As I hopped out of my car, I suddenly noticed 50 strangers staring at me. My face suddenly went flush and I thought, "Oh no, did I forget to put on pants before I left the house?" I glanced down- in a slight panic. Breathed a sigh of relief- just gauchos. That's the problem with gauchos, they are so comfy that you forget you're wearing bottoms at all. Crisis averted.

After purchasing various items, I emerged from the store with a Dove Dark chocolate bar in one hand and the new Radiohead "In Rainbows" cd clutched in my other hand. The cd- Beautifully, harmonious eclectic sounds.... poetry to my ears. :-)

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Oh my goodness--you crack me up still!