Wednesday, November 12, 2008

manna from the heavens

first snowfall.

there is always something magical about it. i quickly sink into my winter boots and pull my hat on and head out the door. as i drive along the golf course, the tree branches are no longer bare and naked. they are draped in the new snowy blanket. i love this part of winter. when the snow collects on the trees and reaches over the road to create a snowy tunnel.

the temperature is not bad...a balmy 30 degrees. (You come to realize 30 is warm after spending a harsh winter in Minnesota ;-)

This type of weather makes me feel romantic and joyful. A song begins to play in my head in the deep, melodic voice of Doris Day, Secret Love is the title, I think. But that isn't very Christmas-y, so I will post a different song instead.

1 comment:

Pat "the outdoor cat" Thomas said...

Thanks Melody, I checked out that song, very nice. Sadly I am a sucker for the "related videos" on the side and nearly tossed my cookies at the sound of Jessica Simpson and Nick... I don't know why I try. Thanks for being a follower of my blog. See you soon, eh?