Wednesday, January 7, 2009

lamenting and praying

This isn't nearly as good when you can't see my the pictures I make out of words, but I'm gonna post this anyhow. At the turn of the new year, I was reflective and feeling overwhelmed by the work of the Lord that needs to get done in this coming year & so I journaled about it.

My heart is aching.
So many people seem to be

Truth has become relative.
There is no RiGhT;
There is no wrong.

Lord, why must your children be led away?
Will no one stand up with Your voice?
Too much for one.
Lord, your heart must be aching;
and the tears streaming down your face.

What have we done to your beautiful design?

We have flung mud on your masterpiece and spit in your face.
We shake our fist and yell our own agendas and plans.
We have become the rebellious and declared our Creator to be the


Just as the tears burn my cheeks, Your heart is breaking.
And your tears number the stars. Enough to overfill the world's oceans.

This beauty has been scarred.
Yet you stand and wait with anticipation at our humble return.
Because you have already been torn and scarred to win us back.
Again & again we crucify you with our selfish rebellion.
And still you wait for your children.
Even as time slips away and eternity approaches.

Help us Jesus!
We are so tangled in our sin;
we don't even know it's there.

cheap grace.
wasted time.

Only what's done for Christ will last.

Hear our bleeding hearts.
Rescue us from ourselves.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I agree Mel...I was lamenting the lack of TRUTH in our society just the other day. Where did all the absolutes GO??