Thursday, April 2, 2009

Rastafarian paradise

i overslept today. the sunshine shining through the windows for the first time in days didn't even help. i seriously rolled over and had one of these mental exchanges with myself, "Seriously?! It's morning already? *grumble grumble* I hate this! Being an adult is SO DUMB. Just 5 more minutes." In my personal opinion, waking up is like the worst invention ever. It's always like trying to motivate the sleeping dead. The usual incentives (Looking put together, Having time to shave, Swinging through the Starbucks drive-thru, or Listening to good music) start to not work after a while.

Perhaps it has something to do with the extremely bizarre-o dream I had in the wee hours of the morning involving... One animal abuser lady, Two chihuahuas who were crazed, and A routine the dogs were trained to perform at a strip club. Except for I kept doing the signal that triggered the dogs to perform. Their performance was biting down super hard on my calves and leaving bloody tooth prints.

When I was Melody-in-a-junior-high-body, I use to pretend to interpret dreams for my friends just for fun. A majority of my friends knew I was making it up, but I did have one friend (Tracy) who really believed I could do it. Years later, she called and asked me to interpret a dream about her fiance.

If I were to interpret this bizarre-o dream, I'd say- I've had incredibly too much salsa the last few days. Delicious & nutritious. But messing with the psyche. And- strip club would indicate a need to perform in my life. (not necessarily stripping, but just a performance of some kind) I'm being forced to perform because there is pain involved.

If I could be a scam artist, I would become a dream consultant. HA! There's that word, consultant....not so boring after all. (See previous post Re: possible careers) I would make big bucks off of the associations that people make in their brains while they sleep. I think I'd name my storefront shop- Dream Weaver: What your dreams are saying about you. I'd get a little bell on the front door that makes a delightful jingle when you walk in. I'd decorate with all sorts of mythical, hodge-podge, and strange objects that would just make a person stop and think "Hmph. I wonder where you'd buy something like that." (It would be Papua New Guinea, by the way- or IKEA. Nevertheless, definitely a land from down under)

1 comment:

emili said...

you never fail to make me giggle... i, too, miss my junior high body :( pre-preggo... argh!

hang in there, melo