Friday, January 30, 2009

find a story

The grayness is getting to me.
Correction: HAS gotten to me and continues to taint my fragile emotional state.
Everytime I step out into the frigid morning air, I sigh dramatically and say to myself,
"That's it. I'm done."
This thought is great, but fleeting because shortly after logic kicks in and reminds me that there are weeks more of cold laid out for me to endure.
I am a Midwest girl at heart.
I know this- but not a huge winter fanatic...unless of course it's snowing. I would like it if it snowed every other day, all winter.
To bring some cheer to my downtrodden heart, I decided to look around me as I drove my wonderfully dependent car (knock on wood) and find a story.
It was then I realized cars are like people.
They are extremely resilient.
They have to get up and go in extreme heat and extreme cold.
Sometimes they break down and can't get motivated- this is when mental illness is diagnosed.
They come in all colors and shapes.
No matter how much you get clean, you always have to wash again.
And after so many miles, you have to replace parts. :-)
That's when I realized I was taking the analogy too far, and I needed to stop because I kept thinking of different similarities and just started laughing. (Like, sometimes you leak funny colors and you have to get right down in the puddle and figure out what needs to get fixed.) Okay, okay...I'm done. But SEE?! Once you start with the analogy, you just can't stop.
Laugh a little. It brightens the gray. If only for a moment.

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