Wednesday, July 8, 2009

bite-size faith cheerios

I've been thinking about FAITH lately. Turns out- it's complex, yet simple. As I journaled about this the other night, I realized there are several other basics that get paired with a healthy faith.

For example, surrender.

You can't have a strong faith without surrender.

And it's not just a one time deal- you get to keep practicing surrender with your faith 'cause as crazy, fallen humans we keep taking the control away from God. We keep falling into this grand illusion that somehow our way is better, easier, more manageable because it takes the mystery of how God will choose to work out of the Faith equation.

Then there is the arch nemesis of faith- doubt. Except for doubt could also be the greatest allie to faith. You see, doubt can either spiral you deep down and make you lose your faith completely.


It can be the element that makes you think critically about faith- test it and find that it makes faith emerge stronger, brighter, bolder than ever before. Thus becoming the element you needed to get your rear in gear and put some muscle to that anorexic faith.

See? Tricky.

Anyway- it made me see in a fresh way how much we need the truth of Scripture in our hearts. It's in those moments of doubt and lack of surrender that we are reminded by the Holy Spirit's prompting what IS truth. He is so good to remind us of those things when we begin to sink into ourselves. We/I am so unworthy; but it doesn't matter. He goes to search us out again & again and bring us back into his safe pasture.

This is the great Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that we serve. Someone who searches us out when we carelessly wander away from safe pasture. He is worthy of all power and glory forever and ever. Amen.

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