Wednesday, July 1, 2009

grocery stores and cowbell

I was overcome last night by cravings. Food cravings of the grandest sort. It was 10:37pm and I wanted a grapefruit. And Muenster cheese.

Before you knew it, I was walking through Byerly's (lovingly referred to as the CARPETED grocery store), in my pajamas. I located the grapefruit- chose the roundest one and headed for the Dairy section. There I located the deliciousness known as Muenster. No other cheese would do. That's what I wanted. A smile of satisfaction crept across my face, and I pranced out of the grocery store one very happy woman. Thus is the freedom of a single lady with a car.
I love songs that use a cowbell. There's something very distinct and quirky about this instrument. I immediately begin to picture Will Ferrell make a fool out of himself- pounding on the cowbell in one memorable SNL skit. Immediate smile.

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