Thursday, May 7, 2009

obscure and unrelated snippits

These are just a few of the thoughts that have trickled through my brain this week. You know when you're riding next to me in the car, and I smurk. I might be having a random thought like this, or I might not be thinking anything at all. ('Cause I'm tricky like that.)
1. I got a tetanus/whooping cough shot three days ago and my arm still hurts.
2. Overgeneralization in progress: I've decided people who shop at Walmart move SO SLOW. Why is this? I mean, compared to the fast paced Target shopper there is a difference.
3. As far as lunch goes, I made a bold switch to turkey instead of ham. Ham seems very winter-ish to me. I'm all about the Spring theme right now.
4. My armpits leak when I am cold. It's not smelly and I wear deodorant, but they still leak. Sometimes just one. I'm happy to say I'm not a freak of society, in fact- this happens to many women.
5. I really hate clutter. Especially the stuff that falls into the 'We'll-keep-this-extra-thing-just-in-case-the-other-one-goes' category. Seriously, keep the nicer one and just GET RID OF THE CLUTTER.
6. Garage sales are nice. Estate sales are better.
7. We burned boxes representing our sins after youth group last night. The firepit was in a medium sized, fenced in area that looked like a giant kitty litter box.
8. Someday I think I will write funny things with a Sharpie all over the stuff in someone's fridge. That way, they'll be smiling for alot of days.
9. I got in trouble at church last night with one of my 12th graders for bodysurfacing down the hall on wheely seats. Grownups spoil all the fun.
10. I've been easily startled, disoriented, and dizzy these days. Sorta feels like having my head in a cloud when allergies attack.
11. Today my playlist includes: Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Queen, Love Me Two Times by The Doors, Paint it Black by The Rolling Stones, For No One by The Beatles.
12. People waste alot of time in the day by using the bathroom facilities.
13. I have good ovaries, doc says.
14. Why do things magically fix themselves once you get it to the store and begin explaining the problem to the Customer Service people? It sure makes a person look dumb.
15. My alligator Chia pet is growing to mammoth-sized proportions.

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